Thursday 1 March 2018

Alternate Stretches Or Same Ones Daily

Much has been discussed, argued and debated on the question of stretching and the best way to increase mobility. Some folks argue that doing the same stretches every day will provide the best results while others suggest that doing so could do more harm than good. 

This leads them to believe that you should switch up your stretches every day.

Strength Training is NOT Stretching

Very probably, this belief that you can’t stretch the same muscles two days in a row comes from the idea that you shouldn’t do strength training on the same muscles two days in a row. While this is true of strength training which works by damaging then repairing muscles, it’s not true of stretching which shouldn’t damage your muscles.

Stretching does not damage muscles at the cellular level the way strength training does. Instead, it gently pulls your muscles and lengthens the fibers while extending the range of motion in the nearby joints. For this reason, it’s not only safe but beneficial to stretch every day. One recent study even found that stretching muscles less than 6 times per week did nothing for them.

The study focused on the hamstring in the upper leg because this large muscle is easiest to measure. Four sets of participants stretched the muscle at different intervals throughout the week. Some stretched every day while others stretched only 3 days per week. It was found that those that stretched every day improved the length of their muscle while those who only stretched 3 days had little improvement.

Why Stretch Every Day

It’s important to realize that while you may not exercise every day, you are moving every day, which is why it’s important to stretch those muscles every day if you want to get more flexible. You use your muscles while performing regular tasks every day, so as they get used, they are warmed up and ready to be stretched to encourage flexibility.

Another reason to stretch every day is that it keeps you in the habit. Even if stretching is the only thing you do as far as exercise goes every day, it’s beneficial. However, if you only stretch a few days a week, it’s easy to forget and get lazy about it. However, if you make it part of your daily routine, then it’s easier to remember and soon your day won’t feel complete without stretching.

What to Stretch Every Day

The best thing you can do for your body is to go ahead and stretch everything every day. If you have certain areas that you’re concerned about or want to focus on, then you may even want to do these twice per stretching session or twice per day. But, in general, it’s a good idea to make sure that every part of your body gets stretched every day.

To make sure that you stretch every part of your body every day, find a routine to follow, whether you go along with a DVD or create a written list of your favorite stretches that cover every major muscle group. By doing the same thing every day, this will further help you establish a routine and will ensure that you cover every part every day.

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1 comment:

  1. Having a mobility system exercise is required for elderly and thank you for sharing those stretching.
